Various softwares are available for writing Ol Chiki (Chapa) which is one of the famous script invented by Pandit Raghunath Murmu:
Some of the softwares:
1. Android: For writing Ol Chiki(Chapa), you can use Gboard, Microsoft SwiftKeyboard. Follow this post.
2. Computer: Download this file from the website and install it(I personally use it). You can follow here for more options to type Ol Chiki (Chapa) in your system.( To be more specific you can also use a software called Keyman, but it needs some additional steps (Follow here).
In this post i will dicuss only the procedure for installing Bivash Soren's Santali (Ol Chiki) Phonetic Keyboad software:
1. Install the zip file from the website:
2. Extract the zip file and click on install.
3. Follow the rest part and install it in your computer.
4. Restart your computer, and watch the option near below right corner. Press window + Spacebar to swtich between the language.
Keyboard layout for this Keyboard:
Also, If you are interested in translation and want to translate the application in Santali language then please follow this post.
For other technical resources, please visit here. Current research is going on here, you may be benefitted:
If none of the above works it means that you have an old version of Android (below Mashmallow), or iOS below 12, you may be using either below Windows 8.1 or below Mac 10.13 High Sierra. If so, then it will need little tweaks. If you want to read materials online then you can change the font of your browser to "Noto Sans Ol Chiki"(download) or you can change your whole system fonts using Windows 8 font changer (works well in windows 7), for other platforms i don't know, i will uptade this in future Sorry :-(. If your none of works well then you can use the online screenshot tool available for reading the Santali Ol Chiki script and for typing you can use many online tool also like Pramukh.
Additional Materials: Online Santali Dictionary -
