List updated on 13th November, 2024
For translation resources, you can visit this git repo.
Target of the Month - Translating Libreoffice in Santali language...
Getting knowledge should be compulsory, and I think language should not be a barrier. Please help translate an app into the Santali language. Here is a list of apps/software that are currently being translated to Santali. Most of them are easy to translate manually, which makes them straightforward to keep track of. Applications which are yet to be translated can be found by following any of the links and starting to contribute. If you are interested in translating any app other than those displayed here, you can make a request to the respective project managers to continue translation activities.
Latest Information:
Firefox Desktop, Mobile browser is now available in Santali Language.
YouTube added Santali language as an option in it's website, means you can
select or change your uploaded YouTube video language to Santali language,
upload subtitle in Santali language. Previously this language was absent for
which people were not able to get their right content.
History - List of Smartphone that support Santhali:
This Act may be called the Constitution (Ninety-second Amendment) Act, 2003, An Act further to amend the Constitution of India. [8th January, 2004] which led Santhali to be called among the 22 languages of India.
Ol Chiki script was added to the Unicode Standard in April, 2008 with the release of version 5.1. The Unicode block for Ol Chiki is U+1C50–U+1C7F: All modern device support unicode. Ol Chiki got its basic reading support from Android 6.0 onwards. Below it will definitely not support this Ol Chiki script or some phones needs to be rooted in order to show Ol Chiki.
We know that Santali Ol Chiki is supported in Window's from Window 8.1 as default(no additional software for viewing) not 8.0. They added support in 8th August 2017.
In Apple, Native Ol Chiki writing keyboard started its support from 19th September 2019 for the first time in iOs 13 onwards.
Tizen supported Ol Chiki from 19 July 2017 from Samsung Z2 onwards, with a small FOTA update. Before that Ol Chiki was not supported in Tizen ex. In Samsung Z1 their was no reading support for this script.
KaiOS supports Santali language, some apps are also tranlsated in Santali
language ex. try Wikipedia app from
Google keyboard (Gboard) added Ol Chiki support on 26th April 2017.
According some sources I found almost all latest android phone support Ol Chiki but by system support very few mobile namely some feature phone(Keypad) lephone (lephone K1) - Reading support, Jio phone - Reading support and device system support for Ol Chiki, karbonn mobile - Reading support to support Santali Ol Chiki script.
According to Olchikidr.blogspot(post) post they mentioned that Ol Chiki was supported in their Intex aqua star 4.2.2 which is android version 4.0. So Santali might be supported from very beginning, i have never heard before it phone supporting Ol Chiki. It may be supported. Also till now no ROM supports changing language from within the device settings. So, we will also work on translating ROM in Santali language.
Now, from Android 13 Santali language is available as a system language, trace
of language support was suspected from Android 12 where by the use of ADB
commands with third party multi locale changer applications, it is possible to
switch to Santali interface where even the time shows in Ol Chiki script :-).
Remember Santali language code is "sat" and the two letter code doesn't
exist for this language.
You can see my repository in GitHub
I kept interesting app list, go to original creator through my repository and fork their project and start translating any app.
- UI-Calculator - Creative calculator, interface is made available in Santali language.
- Falling word game - Type as much word in Santali language and earn good points.
Type in Santali
- I have made a compilation of some typing game, you can try a
demo here.
By playing this game your typing speed may increase.
Onesky is a translation management platform. It has plenty of apps that
can offer translation of apps in Santali. I have requested for Santali
addition, i am waiting for their reply. Till then my confidence is
increased by "data counter" developer who tried adding this locale but not
succeed. Instead he told me to do Santali in Norweign language and later
after Onesky team add this language he will transfer it later. I am very
thankful to him.
- Data counter widget - Shows mobile data statistics.
Website interface
Glosbe website - By translating we you can switch website in Santali
language. It will be then very much helpful to those people who only know to
read in Santali Language. Good news is we have translated it in Santali
language. Change the language from the language selection within the new
Pontoon -
- Firefox iOS, Terminology
- Firefox Andorid
- Firefox Desktop (Pending).
- Common Voice Sentence collector.
- Common Voice - Interface is now translated in Santali language and more than 5000 sentences are collected for Santali language.
Follow Crowdin, one of the best place to translate app for Santali language (go through any of them and start your work):-
- Ankidroid - Flash card app for memorizing purpose.
- nt-calculator - Calculator
- nt-converter - units converter
- Justmap - Map ( Almost done)
- masterformcpe - game (recently added)
- Libre torrent - torrent (recently added)
- Rucky
- Aurora free open source - quote
- Audiopedia - Audiopedia
- BMI Calculator - BMI Calculator
- Brazu coin
- Gottbot
- World cleanup day
- Open food facts
- Audiopedia
- Nova launcher
- Maxthon for Windows Version 6.0
- Xodo - Document viewer
- Sharechat
- plume
- Goal meter app
- 7+ calculator
MX Player
It was primarily a video playback application but soon OTT platform was
added. You can also read about it in
Santali(ᱮᱢ. ᱮᱠᱥ. ᱯᱞᱮᱭᱟᱹᱨ).
- PixelExperience - It is ROM by PixelExperience. Basically ROM is known as the firmware or the application software that runs your OS and other files. I have fully translated it in Santali.
- ArrowOS - An Android custom ROM that can now be translated in Santali Language. Thanks to Bauuuuu who added this in Crowdin launchpad.
- iNaturalistMobile
A beautiful application which will definitely make you remember your
Childhood time. With this application you can run old Java JAR files.
You can contribute here.
- Muzio Player - This music player app is currently being translated by ᱥᱤᱵᱚ ᱦᱟᱸᱥᱫᱟᱜ (Sibo Hansdah). You can help him contribute to the translation process here.
Santali wikipedia
The Santali Wikipedia is the Santali language version of Wikipedia, run by the Wikimedia Foundation. The site was launched on 2 August 2018. Santali language's own alphabet, Ol Chiki, has been used as the alphabet of this Wikipedia. Santali is a language in the Munda subfamily of Austroasiatic languages, spoken by around 7.4 million people in South Asia (Bangladesh, India, Bhutan and Nepal). Anyone who is having basic knowledge of Santali can join this BIGGEST ENDLESS project!!!!.
If you want to join Santali Wikipedia and want to write articles in Santali, also in other languages also. Then you are free to contact me in my email address or in twitter.
It's an easy way to preserve your language by contributing your voice.
Select Santali as your language and start contributing your voice.
- OpenStreetMap - Santali
- Ajapaik - santali
- Blockly
- BlueSpice
- CopyPatrol
- Convenient Discussions
- Dissemin
- DiscordWikiBot
Transifex is a proprietary, web-based translation platform; that is to say, it is a globalization management system (GMS). It targets technical projects with frequently updated content, such as software, documentation and websites and encourages the automation of the localization workflow by integrating with the tools used by developers.
These are some list of applications that can be translated in Transifex:
- Id-editor
- Otter Browser
- VLC - For android and other platforms also.(Finally after a long time it was added here)
Website Translation.
There are some applications which can be translated in Santali language:-
Clear Scanner
- A document scanner application. Good news it is now translated in
Santali language.
gimagereader -
An OCR reader, extracts texts from images.
- Libre office (
- This is a puzzle game translated in Santali, it can be found in
playstore. Free open license dictionary is required for addition of this
Baby dot
- A Game application. They put this language selection from device
settings, so you cannot change language within the application.
New pipe
Alternative to YouTube. You can now change language within the
application. Download from
- Free tube - Alternative to YouTube.
LibreOffice -
No introduction needed.
*If you want to add more app to be added for translation in Santali. Then always select sat from the list of language added, if you want translate apps in Ol Chiki.
These are some list of applications that can be translated in Localazy:
Note: You have to create one Crowdin, Transifex, Localazy or Weblate account to translate anything.
There is a Santali team, anyone can join there and translate there. Latest work is going on for Ubuntu.
There is a Santali team, anyone can join there and translate there. A lots of work needs to be done there.
Source Independent (other offline/online translation task/only language addition (no translation))
- Study Checker
PlantNet - Plant 🌵☘️ Identifying app.
- Your Hour - Going Bodi has undertaken this project(going on).
Textfairy - It is an application where you can scan and extract Santali written text
from picture having texts printed in Ol Chiki Script. Strings are not
translated but Santali tess data is incorporated here inside the main
application in my request,
soon he will release this application in version 4.1.0.Good news, It is now added in the application. Tutorial:
Telegram - Android/iOS/Desktop application translation. Just read those tweets and
follow. Where to translate or check translation for Telegram you can check
from here.
[1/3]Good news now we can translate #telegram in #Santali language.
— Prasanta Hembram (@prasantahembram) November 26, 2020
To change language to Santali for telegram click here:
Till now only 2 strings are translated, 🤭🤭come here to help me. Please retweet so we can let others know😁😁read below tweets also[2/3]
— Prasanta Hembram (@prasantahembram) November 26, 2020
Here is the link for translating telegram, you must have a telegram account to do Translation. You will not get paid🤭🤭
Also don't forget to join the translation group in Telegram for Santali related talks, for translation. - Extra physical Keyboard - Now Santali is added to the application. For now only Sarjom Baha layout is added. Very Thankful to the Calin for adding the language.
einkbro - A
web browser translated in Santali language, added from release 10.14.0
- Teracopy - Copy, paste large files at a very fast rate with this software. It is now being translated in Santali language.
Note: You have to create one account to translate
Help create dictionary
- You can help create dictionary application for Santali using Omegawiki, it is not a Wikipedia but things work more like it.
You can add translations in Glosbe. Also a good news i translated its interface in Santali language also. You
can also have a
look there also.(Change Santali Language from drop-down).
Which software I use to translate?
I use Crowdin and Transifex default dash. But when I do offline translation then I use OmegaT. I have added tmx and glossary files for translation in my GitHub respository also have a look, it should suggest good words. Please pardon me if I make any wrong translation !!!, you can correct me by making a pull request or E-mail me.
Possible future Translation/Santali addition in various applications target (Wishlist)
Vlc Media player.(Santali language is now added) -
Mx Player(Santali language is now added) - Review Old Tux paint Santali translation. ( try to make support for windows)
- Review Old Inkscape Santali translation. (try to make support for windows)
- Review Old Pidgin Santali translation.(try to make support for windows)
- Desktop application translation.
Extra Physical Keyboard layout.(Added)
- Xodo pdf.
- Lineage OS ROM translation.
- Samsung android ROM translation.
EasyDiary - Adfree android dictionary.(Now Santali language is added). - Extra keyboard layout - An Android application which help us select more language layout option. Ex- We can connect external keyboard to Android devices and start typing but majority case default in English, but when your want to type in widely known language like Hindi you have a choice to select language from the device settings. But when you want to type in Santali language by connecting an external physical keyboard to an Android device, you won't be able to do it, because in majority of Android devices you won't find any layout... their is no option for Santali language. I have requested the developer for its addition. let's see what happens. If it will be added then we can type in our mother language.
Google Translate in Santali. (Ongoing)
Firefox Desktop in Santali language. (Pending, check the beta version
Mozilla Sentence Collector.(added 6000 sentences, interface translated in Santali language.)
Tatoeba in Santali language - Make Sentences available in CC license, so that all the translated sentences are freely available to Researchers for any use. For now it is available in Github for pull request. I want to thank Tatoeba and @RyckRichards for opening an issue in Github.(Added) - iNaturalistMobile
Updating CLDR for Santali language - The Unicode CLDR provides key building
blocks for software to support the world's languages, with the largest and
most extensive standard repository of locale data available. This data is
used by a wide spectrum of companies for their software internationalization
and localization, adapting software to the conventions of different
languages for such common software tasks.
read more.
- Qmamu - Request the team to add Santali language translation in their interface, as it is an Indian language and needs to be added.
Duckduckgo - A search engine which challenges Google Search and gives much
more option to customize your search deck. Requested for the addition of
Santali language. (Created a
pull request)
Legend people work who did translation already till 2019
Tux paint - Ganesh Murmu sir and other translator worked.
Firefox IND gov - Indian Government took initiative to translate
applications in regional language, their are couple of Software that are
translated in Santali Language.
These are the list of all the translated applications and platforms where Santali language was added on request :
My first Translated application in Ol Chiki script is
Ankidroid. You can open and see it by selecting sat from language list in AnkiDroid. I
am also thankful to Bodi Baski for proofreading my translation.
ᱥᱟᱱᱛᱟᱲᱤ ᱛᱮ Ankidroid Screenshot 1
ᱥᱟᱱᱛᱟᱲᱤ ᱛᱮ Ankidroid Screenshot 2
ᱥᱟᱱᱛᱟᱲᱤ ᱛᱮ Ankidroid Screenshot 3
ᱥᱟᱱᱛᱟᱲᱤ ᱛᱮ Ankidroid Screenshot 4
ᱥᱟᱱᱛᱟᱲᱤ ᱛᱮ Ankidroid Screenshot 5
- Translated Arogya setu app in Santali.(pending pull request) : Despite working tirelessly to complete the translation (day and night), it's yet to be added to the application. I'm awaiting a response from the team.
Multilingual Calculator now support Santali Numerals, done by
developer, Shiv Pujan Yadav
- playstore
It is one of the very first android application that i have ever
translated, though only numbers are their to translate.
Shiv Pujan Yadav
made this creative application so that people might not forget their
Sharechat (Android) by Prakash(ongoing). - It is Social media
application. It is a future project we have translated this application in
advance and the source file can be found in
Prakash Github. I am thankful to him for adding me to his project.
- nt calculator soon be released -I have translated it in Santali Language, it is one of the very first Santali application that i translated.
- nt-converter soon be released - I have translated this application in Santali language, it is also one of the very first application that i have translated in Santali.
- Translated Just Map - I have translated this application in Santali language, it is also one of the very first application that i have translated in Santali.
Tux paint main component (Ol Chiki) is now translated fully, it was
last translated by Ganesh Murmu sir, later i updated some strings.
Tux paint android (Ol Chiki) application was last translated by
Ganesh Murmu sir. Recently i have updated some of the
application strings in Github.
Multiness (game emulator) - Completed by me, this was one of my very
first task, though i have completed the translation i am still waiting for
the developer to add in the application - He is getting some issue, but soon
he will fix it.
MX Player - 100% Translation completed. This is one of the tough and
most time taking job i have ever did in my life really it was tough not only
to translate but also to contact with busy MX player team members. Though i
am also very thankful to them for taking my problems seriously. I also thank
Prakash Baski without his tireless effort i wouldn't have completed this
very large project also i cannot forget the hard effort of Bodi Baski and
Bijendra Hansda.
for iOS (Translated by Prakash, father and me:-)). I thank my father who
helped me lot in suggesting words which i don't know. Also i thank Prakash
for helping me translate this application in Santali. Thank you Prakash.
Translated Android Firefox, and with some testing with Fenix
(install from google play store,
and now it is added in Main Firefox Application. Fenix is released every
day, to reflect every new change before release in Mozilla Android)-
Translated by Prakash Baski and Prasanta Hembram, reviewed by Bodi Baski and
Bijendra Hansda and more translators are still joining here. I again thank
all of my friends specially Prakash, Bodi and Bijendra for helping me
translate this application.
- Completed VLC for Android in Transifex. My father and Prakash Baski are working in this translation project soon i will get some support from my friends.
- Translated Baby Dots it is a FOSS application having in app translation.
- Lexica, it is translated but still not able to release this language as we still don't have dedicated open source Santali dictionary.
Newpipe - A free open source application. You have to install F-Droid in your
device. From F-Droid you have to search for Newpipe application. F-Droid
store is an alternative of Google play store, where most applications are
free from ads. You can select Santali language from within the Newpipe
application now. I have translated only 10% soon it will be completed.
- Textfairy - It is an application where you can scan and extract Santali written text from picture having texts printed in Ol Chiki Script. Strings are not translated but Santali tess data is incorporated here inside the main application in my request, soon he will release this application in version 4.1.0.
- Translated PixelExperience ROM in Santali on 19 November 2020.
- Translated Evolution X Rom in Santali Language on 26 November 2020.
- Easydiary Android application now supports Santali language. But the language can be changed only from device settings not within the application.
- Clear Scanner (Clear Scan: Free Document Scanner App, PDF Scanning) app is now translated in Santali language, by the time I will be posting this language will be picked out from within in app. Till then you have to change your in-app language to Santali language in order to see Santali translation.
- Google Translate is on its way to release. We hope it will be released soon.
- Extra Physical Keyboard layout now has Santali language as an option, you can now connect your smartphone with a supported external mechanical keyboard and type in Ol Chiki Script by selecting Santali as an option, for now only Sarjom Baha phonetic keyboard layout is available in this app.
Tatoeba is now available in Santali language for contribution, it's website
translation is now going on.
- Common Voice - Interface is now translated in Santali language and more than 5000 sentences are collected for Santali language. Completed to 93%
Common Voice Sentence collector - Now users can read instructions in
Santali language.
- J2ME-loader - A beautiful application which will definitely make you remember your Childhood time. With this application you can run old Java JAR files. You can contribute here. Completed to 100%.
- GNOME - A lots of work needs to be done, completed tasks are as follows :
- Translated Phosh
- Translated Backends gnome-desktop.
Translated Apps Gnome character's.
- PlantNet - Translated in Santali language.
- iNaturalist - Partially translated in Santali language.
- einkbro - A web browser translated in Santali language, available from release 10.14.0
Keyhero now supports typing practice in Santali language:
Looking to enhance your typing skills? Key Hero is a fantastic platform that can help you achieve just that. It provides a comprehensive and engaging environment to practice and improve your typing proficiency.
One of the key features of KeyHero is its performance tracking. It meticulously monitors your progress, including your typing speed (measured in words per minute or WPM) and accuracy. This valuable feedback allows you to identify areas for improvement and track your overall progress over time.
What truly sets KeyHero apart is its unique ability to cater to a wider range of users. It offers the option to practice typing in Santali, a language not commonly supported by many other typing platforms. This feature is particularly beneficial for individuals who want to improve their typing skills in their native language or for those interested in learning Santali.
Furthermore, KeyHero empowers you to personalize your practice sessions by adding your own custom quotes. This allows you to focus on specific phrases or passages that you find challenging or frequently use in your daily tasks. By incorporating personalized content, Key Hero makes the practice process more engaging and relevant to your individual needs.
In conclusion, KeyHero stands out as a valuable tool for anyone seeking to refine their typing skills. With its performance tracking, support for Santali, and personalized practice options, Key Hero offers a comprehensive and versatile platform to help you become a typing pro.
- SumatraPDF now supports interface language in Santali language, check pre release version 16340 onwards. Feel free to add any translation or edit here.

If you have any additional app translation tips then please inform me in comment.
ReplyDeleteToday i added FeeTube a translation task for Santali Language. It is having less strings as compared to Newpipe (another alternative to Youtube). Why we need these apps? Ans: Account creation is not mandatory for activities like downloading, creating playlist etc....ᱥᱟᱱᱛᱟᱲᱤ ᱛᱮ ᱛᱚᱨᱡᱚᱢᱟ ᱞᱮᱠᱷᱟᱱ ᱟᱵᱚᱨᱤᱱ ᱥᱟᱱᱛᱟᱲᱤ ᱥᱟᱱᱟᱢ ᱠᱚ ᱚᱱᱟ ᱮᱯᱯ ᱨᱮ ᱠᱟᱹᱢᱤ ᱵᱮᱥ ᱪᱚᱨᱚᱠ ᱵᱚ ᱜᱟᱱᱟ ᱾
ReplyDeleteᱚᱱᱟ ᱛᱚᱨᱡᱚᱢᱟ ᱠᱟᱹᱢᱤ ᱫᱚ Weblate ᱨᱮ ᱪᱟᱹᱞᱩᱜᱽ ᱠᱟᱱᱟ ᱾
DeleteAlso forget to remind. We have Translated Android Fenix (install from google play store, in future it will be added in Main Firefox. Fenix is released every day, to reflect every new change before release in Mozilla Android)- Translated by Prakash Baski and Prasanta Hembram, reviewed by Bodi Baski and Bijendra Hansda.
ReplyDeleteFinally VLC Media player can now be translated in Santali language.
ReplyDeleteYou can request me here in Transifex to translate or update any error. If you get any translation related error in VLC media player, feel free to comment here or email me from CONTACT US
DeleteLink for VLC translation:
Translated Evolution X Rom in Santali Language on 26 November 2020.
ReplyDeleteAdded data counter :